Descubre Gulfstream

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), diseña, desarrolla, fabrica, comercializa, presta servicios y brinda soporte a los aviones de negocios más avanzados tecnológicamente del mundo. Gulfstream ha producido más de 2.800 aviones para clientes de todo el mundo desde 1958.

Los aviones de Gulfstream han aumentado su reputación de excelencia en las últimas décadas. Un enfoque en la innovación y un compromiso con el servicio al cliente se reflejan en una historia de primicias en la industria, aviones que establecen récords, innovación tecnológica, iniciativas globales de servicio y soporte, y una base de clientes mundial en expansión.


Creating and deliver the world’s finest aviation experience
Achieving our expanded vision is possible through our ongoing commitment to attract, train and advance the brightest minds in all of the disciplines required to develop and build the products, services and experiences that make traveling in a Gulfstream aircraft second to none.


Integrity as our value simplifies messaging while encompassing the essence of our former company values: Integrity, Trust, Respect, Pride and Stewardship.

Integrity means we do the right thing at all times, in all circumstances, even if it is inconvenient and no one else is present.

Gulfstream’s valuable reputation can be tied to more than 60 years of integrity. However, it can be lost in a single instant. Doing what we do with integrity is everyone’s job.

When we act with integrity we:

  • Honor our commitments and deliver on our promises, fostering trust
  • Treat our colleagues and customers the way in which we wish to be treated, fostering respect
  • Act responsibly with our resources, fostering stewardship
  • Stand behind our work with confidence, fostering pride


Making every aspect of the journey a moment worth remembering


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